help module

Documentation for IRC masters

This module outputs documentation for other modules when requested by one of our masters.

help.KNOWN_CMDS = ['akick', 'ban', 'info', 'kick', 'mode', 'mute', 'ping', 'quiet', 'reconnect']

All known commands for which we can provide help

help.TOP_LVL_CMDS = {'akick': <function <lambda>>, 'ban': <function <lambda>>, 'info': <function <lambda>>, 'kick': <function <lambda>>, 'mode': <function <lambda>>, 'mute': <function <lambda>>, 'ping': <function <lambda>>, 'quiet': <function <lambda>>, 'reconnect': <function <lambda>>}

Main help function calls into these to get help on specific commands

help.handle_command(user, where, message)

Main tormodbot code calls into this when we’re enabled and the given tmb_util.userstr.UserStr has sent us a command stored in message (str) via where (str, either a “#channel” or our nick if PM). It has already been verified that the user is a master and that where is a proper place.